Monday, May 01, 2006


So, yesterday I was tooling around on the computer, and I (on a whim mind you) typed “I am lonely” into the handy dandy Google bar. To my surprise, apparently this is not so uncommon. Right there at the top was This: “I am lonely will anyone speak to me”

In the end, I can’t say that I was that surprised. With everything going on in the world (or what’s left of the world I grew up in) people are doing one of two things. a) going out EVERY night to the clubs –desperately trying to find somebody who can make them feel better about their place in the world (and maybe get a few drinks out of it) or b) They are closing down and feeling continually isolated.

I haven’t figured out which one I am yet, but “fucking pathetic” has crossed my mind a few times while I sit and watch the History Channel in my underwear.

I may be lonely, but who isn’t?


Blogger pamela said...

I have a friend, S., who must repeat the sentence "I'm lonely" at least five times a day. One day she was saying it (again) to another friend of mine, B. said nothing back, to which S. asked, "Aren't you going to try to comfort me?"

B. said, "I know you're lonely. So am I. Whatever. We're all lonely. Get over it."

Reminded me of that. :)

9:04 AM  

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