ANOTHER 10 reasons...
1. We never quite know how to smell. Too many choices! ….stick with soap.
2. We laugh at things we shouldn’t. Apparently midgets aren’t as funny as WE think.
3. We yell at the television, find commercials mesmerizing, and never stay on a channel more than 5 seconds.
4. We think manners are something you catch when in a third world nation. There’s no ointment for that.
5. We think that we can’t get drunk if we stick to “lite beer”.
6. We don’t do well with small objects. If it’s smaller than a breadbox….we’ll loose it.
7. We don’t understand hints, innuendos, under talk, conjecture, or text messages that just say “what?”
8. We think that the “S” in Saturday means “Sit” around in your underwear and drink beer. All trips to the store must be done by noon.
9. We think a lotto ticket is a way to plan our future.
10. We like the phrase “What I do?” It’s as versatile as plastic wrap.
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