Monday, November 06, 2006

Oh Boy!

EVERYONE wants to believe in something. At the end of the day, we all want something to hold onto. Me- I’m fine with my Johnson (it doesn’t bitch or say that the trash needs to be taken out) but I could be the exception.
There are ten reasons till Sunday not to try, but what about Monday?
I recently realized that Monday was not such a good day. NOT because the boss wants to, once again, proposition me in the break room (long story)- but because the second you miss something great from the day before…..your in! In like FLINN- as they say.
Thoughts about others are like that last leftover piece of steak from Outback! YOU fuckin want it….but will gladly hand it over…..only to watch them eat it. You’re glad they got it, but it scares the SHIT out of you that you “ain’t smackin em” for doing it! Like I said- we all want something. It could be right in front of you….who knows?
Maybe this is just indigestion, but the whole thing reminds me of the words spout by a very wise man….
“Do…or do not. There IS no try.”
- Thanks Yoda…you fucking green son of a bitch!!!


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