Monday, March 27, 2006

Uptonisms- a beginning

I have come up with a new word:



  1. Someone, male or female, who represents all that is wrong or vile. Individuals possessing this trait are most commonly seen with a silly smirk on their face like they have just chewed on some shit. The individual would say it is a look of confidence, but that does not explain the brown smudge on the corner of their mouth.
  2. A call-out to someone you usually do not like. (e.g., Hey hodick!, or That hodick stood me up last night!, or Yo’ mamma’s a hodick!)
  3. A company in Taiwan that mass produces rubber chickens. HODICK Inc.

As of today, these new “words” that come to me will be logged for posterity. They will be known as Uptonisms. (I’m already working on the copyright… don’t even think about it bitch!)



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