My lawyer, Banfuba Doodad (he’s Kroashin), had me sitting in his office the other day, going over all the wonderful aspects of my pending “divorce.” I use words like shit-the-bed, in the crapper, hit the wall, incinerating in hell…..but those are not technical terms.
Mr. Doodad is a professional, so he won’t even joke with me unless I pay him an extra 40 bucks an hour, and then he only has a google of “why the chicken crossed the grand jury” jokes.
I don’t get em.
ANYWAY, he was going over the list of things that I will be in store for DURRING and AFTER this angelic process. They were all very well laid out, and about a paragraph a piece.
Yet, somewhere in the middle, my eyes glazed over, and I started to look out the window. It was at this time that the REAL list (or a translation there of) began to appear in the orange and purples of the setting summer sun.
*good immagry huh! No?……eat it.
So, here is the REAL list:
1. I Frank Upton will continually feel guilty of all life decisions from this day on.
2. If I ever find myself smiling, or having any kind of joy, I will be struck by lightning –then shit on.
3. I will pay…….alot.
4. I will second guess myself on any kind of relationship issues, just long enough to loose all…..relationship issues. Like….forever.
5. I am left with just enough self worth to flush my head in the toilet repeatedly.
6. I am to wear a stamp on my head that says “I could not make my marriage work, and I am now a single jerk, looking for the next life to ruin.” *my head is to be shaved so that this fits properly.
7. I will pay…….a WHOLE fucking lot.
8. On my son’s 18th birthday, he is bound to tell me what he really thinks about me….and there won’t be a hug at the end of it.
9. I will continue to look for gratification through one-stop shops and 2am phone calls.
10. I will feel mentally and physically PATHETIC….much like this list.
OK, I think that we can stop right about there! Now, let’s talk about something fun.
My lawyer, Banfuba Doodad, has this giant lump jetting out of his neck. It’s the most distracting thing I have ever seen!
I named it Eddie.