Thursday, May 18, 2006

30 days of RANDOM #2-b


Holy shit!

Hey! I’m gonna be rich! I got this email an hour ago, and here seems to be the deal.

This homeboy names Jamil A. Troure is like a HUGE bigwig at the Fidelity Finance & Security Company in Dakar-Senegal. That’s like… Africa and shit!

He found a “floating” fund in his piles of paperwork (belonged to some twit that got popped) and it can only be transferred to a foreigner who is next of kin. I’m not black, but fuck it! I’m in!

All we have to do (and this is genius mind you) is forge a few key documents, produce a birth certificate that says I’m from their “burbs” or something, and bing-bam-boom!


Here is the clincher: It will only cost me $7,500 to do the whole transfer of funds thing. Now THAT’S A FUCKING DEAL!!

I INSTANTLY sent this email back:

  • Dear Mr. Troure, I would like to thank you for this wonderful opportunity! It will end my days of Mac-N-Cheese dinners and Natural Light beers. But, of course, you have no idea what I’m talking about –being from Africa and all. Anyway, this is what I need from you so that we can move forward with this bitch. I require one of those cool wooden war masks with the freaky paint and feathers on it. I saw one once on the Discovery channel, and thought it was uber cool! Next, is it true that there are diamonds just “laying around” near those mines in South Africa? I don’t know if it’s a close walk for you or anything, but I would love a hook-up there as well. Lastly, if it isn’t too much trouble, I would love to see you shove your head straight up your own ass, and yell as loud as you can. If there is an echo, then we got a f’ing deal!

Really……..Mr. Troure. FU

30 days of RANDOM #2

Conversation of note:

Me / Her

What was that?

I wasn’t talking to you.

Oh, ok. Good enough.



What is good enough?

I thought you weren’t talking to me.

Well, now we’re kind of into it.

Is this how most of your conversations go?

I work at the hospital with comatose patients.

I guess not then.

What do you do?

Ask random women if they want a beer.

That’s not very clever.

Neither is that dress.

You’re a jerk!

Ok, good enough.



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

30 days of RANDOM #1

I took my wallet out of my pocket today to grab the business card of a real ass client of mine. As I looked at it, I realized that felt a very strange sensation in my seat….like –where my ass is. It wasn’t like a pending gassy type situation, but something was defiantly off.

After a few minutes of shifting back and forth in my chair, it hit me.

I was staring at my open wallet on the desk. This meant it was not snuggly replaced in its home.

Its home being my left butt cheek.

Holy shit! I never really thought about it before, but I have ALWAYS had my wallet in the left pocket. This meant…..I have a dented ass. Yup. I have done this for so long, that when the wallet is missing, I lean a bit to the left.

Is it possible? Could my right cheek now be noticeably rounder than my left? I never really checked before, but I’m assuming that there is a little rectangular indention somewhere back there.

This could explain the laughter I received from a chick the other night when I got up (naked) to go take a piss.

Or….I need to shave the hair on the small of my back again.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Chad's Reviews RULE

I am not afraid to promote!!! This shit will make you laugh so hard, you may piss yourself!

My ride on UNITED 93

Last night I bit the bullet, and walked into the theater. I had so many mixed feelings about this film, that I think I even surprised myself when I took my seat. But, the lights dimmed, and I went for a little ride.

All I have to say is, this movie hit me like a ton of bricks, and from the moment I left the DEAD SILENT theater it took several hours for me to feel “normal” again.

I don’t care what your take is on what really happened that clear morning on September 11th, this movie takes you right back to that moment when YOU first knew something was terribly wrong.

Do I believe that those terrorized people decided to do something to stop these fuckers? YES.

Do I believe all the hype out there about the GRAND CONSPIRACY involving switched airliners and remote controlled missiles? MUCH HARDER TO SWOLLOW.

All I can say is that I felt supremely humbled by the fact that while I sat on my couch that morning back in 2001, and made calls, and swore loudly, and covered my mouth in horror –people up in the sky were making LIFE decisions. These people had to come to terms with their existence, while we sat on the ground and pondered what would come of all this in the FUTURE.

It was hard to watch. I felt numb all over again.

I STRONGLY suggest that everyone see this movie, and remember.

I don’t give a fuck what people’s argument is with what truly went down in that plane….those people were a united front of HEROS. That’s it.

FU –conspiracy guys….leave this one alone!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last Night

If anybody got the license plate of the truck that slammed into my head last night, I am currently posting a $10,000 reward. Oh boy. Good god. I will never drink again…..until tomorrow. Well, maybe 48 hours would be better. You know……to cleanse.

Monday, May 08, 2006

MORE things that are STUPID

Over the weekend, I was reminded that there are WAY too many things out there that just piss me off. We seem to eat up stupidity on television as if it were “bon-bons,” and we are all the “fat lady” with the ten cats. (the fact that we can all be one fat lady in a sentence is also stupid –I know –bite me.)

I think what takes the cake, especially on a Saturday afternoon, is this:

I would like to meet the numb-nuts who first came out with the ONLY $19.95 offer. A genius idea to be sure, but he was probably someone you hated to see show up at parties.

Oh shit! It’s the $19.95 guy. I gotta go… hemorrhoid just flared up.

More to the point -how can EVRYTHING (and I mean everything) be only $19.95?

  • “Introducing the SLAPPER-DAPPER-DOO!!! It slices, it dices, it gives your loved one a donkey punch every night at ten minutes to twelve!! NOT AWAKE?? NO PROBLEM!! The patented POOPER-POINTER will jab your loved ones behind at a rate of FIFTY POKES per second!! Now that’s performance! Never before could you simultaneously cook stir-fry, and launch headlong into an all night argument!! By the time your mother’s Christmas visit comes into the conversation, DINNERS DONE!! And for a LIMITED TIME, It’s only…..yup…$19.95!!! BUT WAIT!!! THAT’S NOT ALL!!! If you call in the next FIFTEEN MINUTES, we will throw in our TRAVEL SIZE SLAPPER for FREE!!! Perfect for those road trips you never wanted to take!!

I don’t care what the fucking product is, they all seem to go on like this…until your mind is complete mush. If you have bought one of these products, shame on you.

I order you to immediately go to your closet, and vigorously beat your FLOWBEE with a baseball bat.


Friday, May 05, 2006

Men, Women, and Irony

It is every clear that there are distinct differences in thinking between men and women. In many ways, it boils down to how things are perceived. There really IS NO objectivity between the sexes –only subjective anarchy. To better understand this, I took a poll of women (some I knew, some I didn’t, some hit me) to better understand why what is presented… not always what it means. I went about this study in a few different ways.

#1 –Q & A

I hit the streets to ask random questions or throw out statements. Here are a few of them.

  • How are you? – Fine, why?
  • You look nice. – Thanks! Wait….is there something on me? What? Where is it?
  • That Mcphee girl sure can sing! – You just like her tits.
  • What kind of coffee are you drinking? – Frappuccino. Nice 7-11 cup you got there.
  • Would you like my card? – Great, thanks. (trashed in 15 seconds)
  • Do you know where the halfway house is? – Sure, I would love to help….I’ll be RIGHT back.
  • You smell nice. – I don’t want just ANYBODY sniffing me. Fuck off.

#2 –What They Meant

I jotted down common statements that I have heard from women throughout my years, and submitted it for analysis by a professional. In this case, it is a 28 year old secretary from my building. She decoded it for me in short order.

1. I’m tired. I no longer want to sleep with you.

2. What do you want to do? Make a decision idiot. If you turn it back on me, we’re through.

3. Are you watching this? I’m changing the channel.

4. This looks like a good movie. That’s what we’re seeing Friday night.

5. Did you see that girl? You DID, didn’t you! You asshole!

6. Where’s your bathroom? Time to see what you have in your medicine cabinet.

7. Yeah, I want kids someday? WELL?! Tick-tock, tick-tock!

8. Are these all the CDs you got? Your music selection sucks.

9. No. No.

10. Yes. Still no.

11. I want the chicken really bad, but I should get the salad. I want you to get the chicken so I can have a bite.

12. How does this look? I don’t care what you really think; just say it looks great before I cut your balls off.

13. I’m just not motivated enough to go to the store. You’re going to the store. Most likely to get tampons.

14. That was great! Statistically, there is a 67% chance I faked it.

15. Your size is just fine. I didn’t use the word big….so I’ve had bigger.

#3 –Observation

I work with mostly women, so I spend a lot of time with them in social situations. Between them, and random trips to the mall, I was able to collect valuable data.

1. If a woman is wearing a super low cut blouse, she wants you to look. Yet if you get caught, you’re a super ass. This has been a problem since women first threw bear skins over their shoulders –leaving one still semi exposed. What the hell do you people want from us anyway? They’re breasts……we like em’

2. If a woman says “call me!” –there is a criteria to meet. If you don’t call enough, you’re an uninterested arrogant prick. If you call too much, you’re a stalker. Who knew that getting laid was determined by a “magic number” of calls. One girl said the number was 3, but I think she’s lying to throw me off the trail.

3. Women want a sensitive man to have a relationship with. But, if you are one of them, wait in line while they date and fuck all the jerks who never call them back. Then bitch about it.

4. You CAN send stupid looking flowers. I’ve seen the conversations around a desk….and it’s brutal. Seriously, how long can you make fun of a vase? If you want the goddamn flowers, take them and like it –or give him his fucking forty bucks back! Personally, I lean towards calling cards as gifts. It really makes someone think.

5. Women tend to tell other women that they look “great today,” only to severely bash them when they leave earshot. This is a very common occurrence. As a result, when a woman says I look “great,” I promptly say “Fuck you too!”

6. Women control all aspects of sexual opportunity. It’s like knocking on doors. I don’t care if you’re Bard Pitt, if nobody opens the door, you’re still standing outside with your dick in your hand.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Eye Witness

From my window on the seventh floor, I can just about see everything heading north from my building. IT’S GREAT! Things like traffic, and…..traffic, and condos being built (construction workers on lunch break are ALWAYS a hoot!) About very three minutes a Southwest Airlines plane buzzes by on its way to land. It shakes the window every time. Because of this, I don’t even take notice to the thundering jet sound anymore –even when outside.

RESULT: One day down the line, I will be walking along and a crashing jet will land RIGHT ON TOP OF ME!!......won’t even hear it*

Anyway, today I was glancing out the window all casual, and WOW –a man was running down the ally across the street. Well….he was being chased to be exact –by 4 cops.

I instantly jumped up “LOOK AT THAT SHIT!!!”

…………nobody was around.

Now, I was watching this scene unfold alone –like porno at midnight.

OBSERVATION: Have any of you ever seen the old black and white KEYSTONE COPS movies? Yeah, it was just like that.

First off, isn’t there some kind of health code for officers? I mean, if your gut “done lapped” over your belt, haven’t you just “done earned” a desk job? I don’t think you are going to catch up to crack-fueled, 125 pound, Hispanic. Secondly, four cops in a mob behind a running suspect -makes very little sense to me. What happened to strategy? This tends to happen when they are all in cars too.

1 SUV + 84 cop cars (all tailing suspect) = funny shit.

Lastly, when the poor sap trips, and the google of officers catch up to him, is that really victory? They all hold him down; cuffing him as a group. Then it’s high fives all around.

Go getem’ DANNO!

SIDENOTE: I have NO ill will towards officers of the law. They have always been very nice to me when I would mention the cuffs were too tight. BUT- let’s try to pretty up those foot chases….ok?

Do it for us saps in high buildings…..pretending to work.



Wednesday, May 03, 2006

COCKtail Party

Last night I went to the anniversary party for Texas de Brazil (upscale meat on a stick concept…..very sheek.) It was an invitation thing, so everything was free. As you would suspect, that pulls people out of the woodwork.

It was during this “see and be seen” event that I made many interesting observations.

  1. Having your car valet while the check engine light is on -sucks.
  2. Having that same valet look at you like a schmuck when you leave
  3. If you want to look cool, be sure to wear a very low V-neck shirt. It MUST be super tight -preferably black to accentuate your freshly shaved pecks.
  4. I have no pecks –thus no such shirt.
  5. 100+ people standing around in a room, with no real objective, looks like cattle. Think Blue Bell commercial with wine.
  6. NEVER trust the guy carrying around the orderves trey. If you don’t recognize it –DON’T FUCKING EAT IT!
  7. There is a distinct difference between the people who hold a glass of white wine from the top, and those who hold from the base. It has something to do with temperature……or you’re just a prick.
  8. I prefer Red wine, and I will hold it any way I choose.
  9. No matter what your age, men and women tend to group up. Not everybody, but enough to have two distinctive groups staring at each other.
  10. If you offer someone a drink, and they know its free…..does it count?
  11. When you are forced outside to smoke, why is there never a hot girl out there smoking too? It will inevitably be some guy named BOB –who wants to talk about this little known book entitled The Perfect Storm. Really? Apparently they made a movie about it with George Clooney. BOB –you’re a retard.
  12. When somebody has nothing else to do, they will usually grab their cell phone. Apparently, pretending your texting is better than looking off into space. Considering I never text –I stare at the wall.
  13. When starting a conversation with the opposite sex, never ever begin with “You gunna’ eat that?” Saw it, heard it, felt sorry for the guy.
  14. Walking up to someone, pointing at them, and faking knowing them by saying something like “Brenda, right?” actually works. Unless her name really is Brenda, then you are in a whole new situation.
  15. I’m not the best cocktail party person. Maybe it’s because the words “cock” and “tail” are involved…..and I went home alone. Probably for the best.

That’s it!


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

State of My UNION -Part II


Thank you! Thank you! I am here today to address the growing problem of Frankworld’s inability to successfully relate to foreign nations. The last few months have proven fruitless in the simple exchange of goods and services with said nations.

Our diplomatic dinner with Sarah-land went completely wrong when you’re elected leader dropped his fork, and was immediately accused of looking up their leader’s skirt.


I say that there are absolutely NO GROUNDS to this, and my people are currently looking into similar accusations that were made during said leader’s dinner with “Owen Wilson.”

Our nation’s brief run-in with Julie-burg’s prime minister –also ended in tragedy. Upon hearing of her love of Bo Bice from American Idol, and how his exit from the show was observed with a national day of mourning by her people, this nation began to re-think the talks. After an hour discussing her views on this matter, your brave leader attempted to contact his secret service for immediate extraction… no avail. This nation will no longer have contact with the nation of Julie-burg, and is considering sanctions.

(standing ovation)

Let us not forget our past with Aimee-ziria. After a five year pact of mutual peace, we have now seen the tides of war brewing in this un-balanced region. Our borders have been closed to this nation for some time, but we are now seeking advice from our atomic commission. The rest is classified.

(gasps, but mostly laughter)

Recently Frankworld became aware of the Christy-nation. All seemed well with the mutual sharing of ideas and technology………until………your leader mistook his bottle for intelligence, and sought a summit late on a Sunday night…..while in a stupor. Once again, secret service was out to lunch. Frankworld is currently disallowed to drive through, or fly over Christy-nation.

(flying fruit –rotten ones)

I ask you all to give your leader a moment to address changes to the administration. Steps are being taken as to avoid such events, and save what strength our dollar may have left.

First off, we have established the “Office of Idiotic Behavior” or OIB. Operatives within this office will regulate consumption of ALL types, as well as hide any communication device after the sun goes down. All communication after 10pm is punishable by death.

Next, the “Administration of Social Standing” or ASS will continually oversee your leader’s interaction with others during “governmental” outings. Any hint of absurd or un-leader like conduct will be met with brute force. I have been told that my NEW secret service agents have ordered cattle prods with an 8,000 volt charge. That can take down a raging Texas bull ladies and gentleman.

Lastly, I would like to enact the “No Card Lost Protocol.” As of this date, your leader will not only NOT be allowed to pass out his card, but all current cards printed have been confiscated. Satellite imagery has shown that the furnaces at our national security office have been fired up.

(applause grows to a cheer)

From this day forward, I have informed my cabinet that it will be pot-pies and DVD’s for this leader, and that, as they say, is that.

I am NOT a crook! Peace out.

Monday, May 01, 2006


So, yesterday I was tooling around on the computer, and I (on a whim mind you) typed “I am lonely” into the handy dandy Google bar. To my surprise, apparently this is not so uncommon. Right there at the top was This: “I am lonely will anyone speak to me”

In the end, I can’t say that I was that surprised. With everything going on in the world (or what’s left of the world I grew up in) people are doing one of two things. a) going out EVERY night to the clubs –desperately trying to find somebody who can make them feel better about their place in the world (and maybe get a few drinks out of it) or b) They are closing down and feeling continually isolated.

I haven’t figured out which one I am yet, but “fucking pathetic” has crossed my mind a few times while I sit and watch the History Channel in my underwear.

I may be lonely, but who isn’t?