Serious…for just a sec.
“Why give a fuck?!” – Chris P.
It took until about midnight last night for that to fully set in. I shot up out of bed, and repeated it like a mantra…”Why give a fuck?!” It seemed so simple, and could be applied to so many things.
Don’t get me wrong –or do the damn eye rolling thing –I do care about things. But, we all seem to concentrate on the surrounding events and pressures too often. Eventually, our CORE being dies a silent, dark, uneventful death. Before you know it –empty tank bitch!
Try not to get too stuck on stupid decisions. We make them every day- deal with it.
Money is –what money does. Don’t let it rule you.
What others think of you is not as important as what YOU think of you.
If YOU don’t like you, then wash and repeat. We all get second chances.
Don’t be a dick! It only impresses the wrong people.
Never think something is out of your reach. If you do…than it is.
The above can be applied to dating. If you fear they won’t like you….than they won’t.
Friends are an honor, not a safety net. Lean on them when you need it, but no tackling.
If you don’t believe in yourself, than you become transparent. Now nobody believes in you.
So, when you are feeling dragged down by a drunken comment, or a bad situation, or lost relationships/friend….just remember:
“Why give a fuck?!” -just keep it moving people.
There are more friends in your arsenal, and many more chances for companionship, AND bigger and better jobs you will experience throughout your life. Don’t ignore them…..or “empty tank.”
Oh yeah…..FU